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Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday, November 21, 2011


These days my weekends are unusually great for me…I got NIKON D90 to learn the basics of photography from my neighbor or I should say my mentor Mr. Saunak Sinha…camera is changed but not the subjects… I use to go to Hauz Khas these days, as an early bird …to listen the music of wind… song of birds…stories of light…children…and friends who were with me … people who made these monuments…definitely know how to use nature for the ornamentation of interiors…

Thursday, October 27, 2011


urban spaces  are full of dwelings and vehicles...the only space we have is endless sky...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Old Fort. Delhi

आज का पुराना किला...कल का इन्द्रप्रस्थ...कितनी सदियों का सफ़र कैद किया है इसने...शेरशाह और हुमायूँ के जद्दोजहद भी...राजपुतों और मौर्यों की शानोशौकत भी...कभी जहाँ सुबह, घोड़ो की टापों से गुँजते थे... आज शैलानी आते हैं...उन्हे कैनवास पर कैद करने...कुछ बासिंदे अब भी जिंदगी गुजार रहे हैं इसके साये में...किला-ए-कुहना का तहखाना...कितना राज़दार होगा...मैंने कोशिश तो बहुत की...वो चिल्मन हटा दूँ...पर बेबाक ना रह सकी वो एक अजनबी के साथ...हया अब भी बाकी है...घराने की

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Qutub complex, Delhi

Qutub place to see Hindu as well as Islamic still surprises the visitors..


Monday, September 26, 2011

Lansdowne, Garhwal

After a long time I explore myself at my dreams…showing whatever I wish…green pathways…cool breezes …old churches…people and their beliefs… Again a new story